Monday, January 21, 2013

Protect Your Heart

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. -Proverbs 4:23

To think of one’s heart, most folks don’t think about the cardiac muscle that sits in the middle of their chest giving us life. The “heart” of someone is more quickly equated with someone’s ability to be gracious and empathetic, to be loving and caring. The heart of someone is a symbol of that person’s sum total of life experiences and that person’s tendencies to respond and interact with another person. Most everyone knows someone who is negative and opinionated and that less than pleasant person to be around is given a blanket pass to act in a rude manner. “Don’t mind him, he’s always grumpy.”  Like the Grinch, the assumption is made that they have hearts made of stone.
Why is that? What benefit does the Grinch have of being grumpy? Certainly doesn’t tend to bring around friends and family. Very likely co-workers go out of their way to avoid dealing with him. These responses end up leaving the Grinch in a self fulfilling prophecy. Life around him becomes proof that he’s right to be negative, closed minded, opinionated and unhappy. One can almost see flowers wilting in his presence. How can things ever change for the Grinch? His skepticism leaves every positive encounter as merely a bid by someone to dupe him. He refuses to know otherwise.
The great thing about this analogy is that no one actually has a heart made of stone. The sum total of our experiences is constantly changing and growing with every tick of the clock. We are not our past. Our heart is not relegated to a life of unhappiness because of the unfairness of life, or being dealt a rotten hand. No, our heart is malleable, bendable. We must take care to stand up for our heart in times of unjustness. We must not let our heart be abused or bullied. We must remember that what comes from the spirit of our heart is the whole world at our feet and that no one and nothing is worth giving that up. 

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