Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10, 2013

So there I was this morning-- Springing forward with the time change, all the while happy that I got out of working one hour! I'm finally on night shift and it feels uber fantastic to not have an enema of health care people while I do my job. It's amazing the resources this hospital system has and one can see why it's in the top 1% in the country. If someone would ask my opinion about how to cut health care cost (which of course, no one will) I would tell them flat out- cut the paychecks of the people passing legislation until they get a MANDATORY BSN and know what the hell they are talking about. Make them work in the county hospitals and nursing homes and see first hand the lives that are affected. 
Officially exiting right off of my soap box. 

I've been in Indiana for 5 months. 5 MONTHS...that's like half a year almost (duh...Walter says "dumb ass").  I can't quite believe how incredibly rocky this transition has been for me in some ways. Financially - a freakingdisasteronastick- but thankfully I had gold jewelry I could sell. Shut up - I'm not kidding. And I would like to thank my family for all of those beautiful pieces that I wore way back in the day when wearing the gold chain was cool and so was pegging my jeans. The other part is that it's kind of like an out of body experience. In a bad way- although I have no practical experience to distinguish between good or bad but let me just explain.
I tend to be a relatively friendly person. I talk to strangers, in bars mostly, but in all types of social settings when the mood strikes me. Now..I have more miles on me than Taylor Swift's vagina when being exposed to different cultures and races. I've dated White, Korean, Black, Hispanic Japanese-American, Irish, Hillbilly, Jehovah's Witness, Catholic, Atheist, and even the down right crazy types. What is happening here is that "friendly, chatty Brooke" is getting a lot of "what chu talkin bout Willis" looks from folks. As in..."Did that crazy white woman really just talk to me? what the hell she want?"
The majority of Hoosiers are white, black or Hispanic. And the Great Divide is on like Donkey Kong around here. I am really not surprised by this in some ways...I mean..history can be incredibly painful to overcome and folks just aren't in to stepping out of their comfort zone (padded walls are comfortable, yes?) It's just a shame that's all.

So...nasal douche...pros and cons- I prefer the terminology of nasal douching over "sinus rinse" as the use of the word douche is much more pleasing to my laugh factory. It's a great thing..being able to douche the general inside of my face...and it can be an effective form of suicide if someone were to inhale at the time of said douching. That is for real folks...a big sniff of salt water to the naso- pharynx and you'll be drowning in 2 teaspoons of fluid. Very very hilarious to watch. 

Dear Obi One Keno be-
I don't have the slightest clue how to spell your name (should've just picked Yoda) - I want to thank you for the awesome Jedi mind tricks that you never taught me. For instance, how to not drown in 2 teaspoons of fluid- a friend I know could've used  that information. But since I'm female and apparently there are only gross boy Jedi's (they may not be true- I don't know anything about Star Trek..or Wars? LOL WARS!!) Ok lameness is a completely valid reason for not letting me in your club. 
Your unfaithful servant- Brooke -Icould'vebeenkilledbyanettipot-Albertson