January 1, 2024
I felt it fitting that I didn't post one blog in 2023. It was a bit of a mean year. A sort of grumpy year for me. Prickly. Don't get me wrong, my year was also AMAZING!
I think this is probably the first real sign of old age. This vague sense of grump. Noticing weird body aches and pains, hearing my inner voice say "Does this music have to be so loud?" or some other complaint, and the enjoyment of bird watching. Why does this start happening to the majority of us in middle age?
As it turns out, I have a few thoughts on that.
We're freaking over it already. Our minds have been spiraling in multiple directions for decades now and we just need things to shush for Pete's sake. OVER STIMULATION is totally for the 20 and 30 somethings. By 40- we want to have some control over the 3-ring circus that is 'life-work balance'. I also think we spend so much more time engaging in conversations that never actually happen, that by the time we get a moment of peace, we just need silence. The space that the imaginary conversations take up in our minds is absurd, and frankly, I'm sick of hearing it! Shut up, Brooke! Stop with the nonsense and go meditate. I am capable of calmness.
At our age- we aren't developing our character or molding some public persona- when we are out in public, it is on purpose for some sort of utility to our lives. We no longer need to be coaxing people into thinking we are interesting, intelligent, and irreplaceable because we know we are all those and so much more. Because many of us have suffered through the hard thing, or things, and have a sense of sturdiness in who we are, the music can be turned down. We don't have to hide behind the loud drums or head banging guitar solos. We are who we have become. Take it or leave it.
Which is why New Year's resolutions don't work on us. We do things when they need to get done. We buy things for ourselves when we need them. We'll make lifestyle changes when staying on the same course becomes more painful then trying something new, something better for us. Our risk and reward decision making process has gotten very streamlined. "What's the worst that's going to happen? I lose $2000 dollars? I've spent more for less important things."
No. I'm not making New Year's Resolutions. What I am going to do is challenge myself to a new healthy habit each month. By the end of the year I hope to have:
1. Walked 30 minutes every day.
2. Read/Listen to a book once a month.
3. Incorporate a skin care routine daily.
4. Spent a day with my niece and nephew once a month.
5. Incorporated specific proactive wellness practices.
6. Chosen healthy meals when eating out.
7. Stopped drinking coffee and soda, drink water and coconut water.
8. Been intentional with my shopping. Shop local, made in the USA, Organic.
9. Limited my alcohol intake to 2 drinks in one sitting.
10. Stuck to a sleep routine.
11. Practiced gratitude daily.
12. Prayed and meditated consistently.
Happy for me in the New Year.
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