Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 16, 2011

So there I was...in a lovely blue hospital gown...drinking barium (read chalkletmilk) preparing for some "live exrays". My health has really become a problem. The stabbing stomach pains that go unrelenting for hours, no tums, maalox or apple cider vinegar could touch. Lortab and ambien is the only combination I found to make it better. My first week of a vegetarian diet has been completed. No more diet sodas. That was not a misprint. I'm off the diet pepsi. But I am a long way from feeling better. during the exam the barium lights up black in my colon and the doc had to literally rearrange my internal parts with a paddle board to see what he needed to see. The words "this isn't supposed to be here" being pointed to a shadowy black smudge on the screen were helpful in lowering my stress level, NOT. But the words- your report will be sent to your doctor in about 5-7 business days- did induce an amount of annoyance with the system that would be better handled in a women's prison. I've made an executive decision. If medications offered to me do NOT FIX THE PROBLEM but only take care of the symptom..I'm not interested. We've got big government and bigger business fucking up the food we eat, the soil we grow it in, and then not disclosing these atrocities. All the while the American public is living in the sick cycle of death. Clogged arteries? We'll bypass them. Stroked out, we'll rehab them. What about HEALTH CARE THAT CARES FOR HEALTH , not the endless search for solutions. Help us be healthy....STOP POISONING OUR FOODS, TREATING OUR WATER WITH FLUORIDE. I wouldn't get so sick if the food provided to the average American wasn't loaded with genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, stress hormones, pesticides..and the medical conglomerate's big fix is throw in more pills and antibiotics while the dance continues. We're paying to be kept ill. I for one refuse to do it anymore. I have health care concerns. Potentially life threatening issues....It's time to put the theory to the test. The body will heal itself if given the proper tools. I am seeking the help of  a Naturopathic MD. I hope to document it here, to educate, to form a community that knows there needs to be a shift in the way healthcare is practiced today. Or potentially disprove the whole food supplements, chiropractic treatments, organic diet. I guess we'll see.

Dear Allah,
Could you please instill a conscience into the "machine of illness"  that make and dispense products for human consumption. And could the smart minds in our doctors across this country realize that cure is what we need. Not..stay sick, but not feel it with this pill.

Starting week two of my vegetarian lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. I am concerned about these Health Issues DEARY!! Call me!!!
