Sunday, July 14, 2019

July 15, 2019 Love is and love does

What makes love, love? 
Love can be a verb. To love someone seems to imply that one somehow demonstrates their love through miscellaneous acts towards another person. Because I love you I...
                      attempt to make your life easier
                      want to spend time doing everything and nothing with you
                      trust you with my story, my joy and my pain
                      hold you with unconditional positive regard
                      want what you want
                      put your happiness at the top of my priority list                                                          There are a lot of things to "do" to show someone you love them but there is also a long list of things to NOT do when you love someone. Because I love you I will not...
                       break your trust
                       disregard your needs
                       be disrespectful of the things that anger you, scare you, worry you or concern you 
                           about us and our future
                       allow another person to harm you if it is within my power
                       use any weapon against you- physical or emotional
But can love really just be whittled down to a list of do's and don'ts?
Absolutely not. In fact, articulating these behaviors does nothing more than make a list of ingredients that may or may not work for you. 

Love can be a noun. A treasure, an emotion, something elusive, a notion, a feeling of familiarity, a quest and a nightmare. Love is and love does and it might not be love if it isn't both. We must be and do love- any and every kind of love. Romantic love. Familial love. Adoration as love, as with a pet. Unconditional love, as is the love from God. 

So where do we find love?  Is it even something that can be found? My belief is that love is like our five senses. Love, like wind or the scent of a rose garden, is experienced on different levels. We can't see, taste or hear the scent that comes from the rose garden, but we can smell, touch, and feel all that creates that scent. So love can be found anywhere and nowhere. It can be created but not always seen. It can exist without being felt. It can be lost, broken, grieved, and damned. It can be sacrificed for the greater good. It can be destroyed in a flash and created in a breath. 
It must be experienced in order to be created and it must be created in order to exist. Be and do, here and now. You are love and your love does.


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