Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 11, 2013

So there I was looking at these tiny little fruit flies buzzing around my beautiful bowl of fresh produce that I bought at a little farmer's market down the road. My exact thought was "Don't they have something they can put on the fruit, like bug spray, to kill these things" ..yes, that thought made me shake my head too. I've never denied that I am a complete jackass. I drive a Hybrid, not because it saves the Earth or lowers my "carbon footprint" or some such stuff, but because it came in a nice color and I hoped to save money on gas. My Mom is probably the MOST successful woman in the entire Martin County area starting up and running the Recycling Center for Martin County...and I don't recycle. *gasp* The NERVE!
My deodorant AND toothpaste AND makeup AND shampoo AND Dr. Pepper all have ingredients in it that I can't pronounce and that are probably some chemical equivalent to cyanide. And I'm pretty sure the "chicken" bites in my KFC Bowl were made from some ground up left over animal parts that I don't want to thing about at this moment.
I work in a hospital system that ACTUALLY believes they are making their visitors make better health choices because they only sell DIET drinks. What kind of utterly ridiculous nonsense is that? Trying to pass off Diet Pepsi as a HEALTHY choice. Really? Really?


Shock and Awe ladies and gentlemen. Shock and Awe. We all understand that I'm not the world's best organic eating, carbon footprint deleting human being, and even I know that Diet Soda is poison.
So what is one person to do?

I don't know either. But I'm thinking about it.
I started the 21 Day meditation challenge, and it's not solving any of the before mentioned issues..but what it is creating is incredibly tense muscles in my back. You try sitting there Indian style (wait..did they change that to some politically correct thing that I don't know about?)..oh yeah..crossed legs.. with your back straight, doing all that deep breathing and relaxing and see how YOUR back feels. I never thought of myself as a sloucher or someone with bad posture, but apparently, I don't sit or stand straight, or even close, because if I did I wouldn't have been in excruciating, toe curling, teeth clenching pain during my massage today. Who ever came up with the idea of needling and poking some one's tight knots in hopes of "relaxing" them? Masochistic bastards. I've decided after today I only want soft, chunky massage therapists, you know, the type that makes you want to poke their bellies- skinny twiggy types are all bones and that my friends is the fourth level of hell. Add that to your list of criteria when looking for someone to do your massage. "Would you like a male or female?" I want someone chubby and that's all that matters..little sausage fingers surely can't hurt as bad as little Miss Elbows Magoo. But not so big that I can hear them breath. I don't want to get the feeling that pushing around my chubby chub chub is going to be counted as their work out for the day.

Dear Ganesha-
Thank you thank you thank you for helping me overcome my Diet Soda habit. The toxicity to my nervous system may never be fully corrected but I feel blessed to know that I've made big strides in eliminating sources of toxic waste and making better choices on what to put in and on my body.
Your faithful servant-

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